Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Wrestler

I love Oscar season and I love independent films. Of all the pictures nominated for an Oscar this year, The Wrestler is the one I was most attracted to. From what I'd read, it just seemed like my kind of movie: a down-and-out guy gets another chance at being great. Though that's not exactly how the plot went, I enjoyed every moment of the film.

I haven't seen many other Oscar contenders at this point, and I can certainly see why The Wrestler didn't make it into any directing or writing categories, but the acting is definitely worth watching. I really felt for the guy on screen - felt sorry for him and rooted for him and wished he could go back in time to make better decisions in his life - felt how he was great at something that totally tore him apart. How often in life are we willing to sacrifice everything for our one passion? I don't think that's the question the film asks us to ponder, but it's what I was left thinking about.

Some other specific things I enjoyed:

Thinking about the parallels between The Ram's life and the life of the actor, Mickey Rourke, who seamlessly portrayed him.

The Christ imagery and references.

The ending (it was like one of those multiple choice questions where the testing folks ask "what do you think happened next?" but you know there's really only one correct answer).

The 80s Butt Rock music.

The scene where The Ram is selling his souvenirs with a bunch of other washed up wrestlers and, even though it's clear he's been doing this for years, it's like he's seeing his world for the first time. Brilliant.

1 comment:

  1. I will be relying on you to catch me up on all movie lore that I missed since being down here. Blog more. I like your blogs :)
