Friday, January 16, 2009

About Broccoli

I think I should explain the title of my blog. I was reading in my favorite creative writing book the other day, Bird by Bird, and came across one of the greatest quotes about writing I've ever read:

"Listen to your broccoli, and your broccoli will tell you how to eat it." - Mel Brooks

At first, I just thought it was funny. And then, for no particular reason whatsoever, I pulled an index card out of my desk at work, scrawled the words across in a green pen I chose especially for the occasion, and taped it to a pile of books sitting front and center. I put my feet up on the desk and admired my handiwork.

It entertained me profusely. Mostly because my students who noticed it were like, "uh, Ms. Richter - broccoli?" in that 'are you okay' kind of voice.

"Yes, broccoli," I would reply in the most sane, matter-of-fact voice I could muster. That's when the magic started to happen.

"Do you know why broccoli?" I'd ask, seriously.

A blink or two. Blank stares. An eyebrow raise.

"Because it's a metaphor for life!" I'd say, enthusiastically.

My students would reply with "Cool" or "Oh" or "What’s a metaphor again?"

Then I’d sigh because the magic was almost there.

The thing I love most about the quote and the reason I named my blog "Searching for Broccoli" is because I truly believe that as a writer if I get to know my characters well enough and patiently listen to their stories unfold in my mind, I will know how to write them.

I am hungry and my broccoli will teach me how to eat.


  1. Broccoli have been known to whisper some crazy and fabulous things.

  2. I don't really like broccoli, though. Can I listen to my tomatoes instead?
