Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer vacation...finally!

Ah, summer. Welcome back, my friend.

So I suppose an update is in order, first and foremost. On my last post I noted that I was embarking on a plan to write 1,000 words a day until my story was complete. I did just that. At the end of NaNoWriMo, I stuck three freshly printed calendar sheets on the fridge. One for December, January, and February. I crossed off every day those three months and added about 90,000 additional words to the small story I'd started and fell in love with a while before. I ended up with 130 pages of first draft nonsense.

And it is total crap, believe me. However, it stands as the only complete first draft I've ever written. I'm beyond proud of that fact. And, after letting the pages ferment for a few months, I've now set myself the task of molding it into something I can actually ask people to read before I go back to teaching in the fall. And though that frightens the you-know-what out of me, I'm in dire need of feedback.

Right now I'm in the midst of of Chapter 6, which sounds like I've done a lot until I consider that I've only edited 17 of my 130 single-spaced pages. Thank goodness I now have my writing room in order and can spend days at a time in that space slogging through the muck that is my first draft.